Dedicated Network Engineer | New York State IT Solutions

Dedicated Network Engineer | New York State IT Solutions

Both large and small businesses today know the importance of having a smooth and secure IT network to work with. Having an experienced network engineer set up and manage your network is a great way to ensure your business can run efficiently. Alternatively, if your system isn’t set up correctly, your company could face some … Continued

3 Common HIPAA Violations

When it comes to patient records and other medical information it is of the utmost importance to protect it. This sensitive information can cause great harm to someone if it gets into the hands of a hacker or someone with malicious intent. Most companies that deal with patient information are HIPAA compliant, yet there are … Continued

Safety First | Make Sure Your Business is Safe While Running on the Cloud

In today’s fast-paced work environment, companies are always looking for new technologies to help grow their business.  One of the largest trends in the digital world over the last 5 years is the major shift to cloud computing. Companies large and small have turned to the cloud as a means of increasing productivity and lowering … Continued

Uh Oh | Disaster Recovery and VITEC Solutions

In today’s completely digitized world, even the largest corporations cannot afford to lose any of their data, even for the shortest amount of time. Losing any amount of data of a server can put company or client information at risk. IT Web, a web research company, estimates that in the next year, the total cost … Continued

Why Vitec Solutions?

When it comes to your business, it can be tricky to make decisions. Some aspects of decision making can be easy, but when there are so many option out there, it can become extremely muddled. When talking about bringing in an IT company, it can get even trickier. VITEC Solutions is here to help. We … Continued

Ponemon Institute Releases 2018 Global Megatrends in Cybersecurity

Companies large and small, all over the globe are becoming more and more fearful of cyberattack. You’ve probably heard about some of the major companies being hit by ransomware, and no one is safe. Without being proactive in creating and formulating a cybersecurity plan, you’re putting your own and your clients data at risk. Ponemon … Continued

Hybrid IT Departments are on the Rise

Outsourced IT services are becoming more and more popular in supporting the needs of businesses both large and small. A lot of companies settle for struggling with what they have, versus looking toward a team of professionals outside of their walls. It’s common for internal IT staff to be spending more time responding to password … Continued